Friday, September 9, 2016

Why I Decided to Change Things Up

If you have been following my blog over my short duration as a "Blogger" I am excited that you continue to visit me as I walk through this life and continue to learn and listen as God molds me into the Godly women He created me to be. As you can probably tell things look a little different, including the name of this blog itself. I want to let you know that as I continue to grow and develop as a person my hope is that my blog will as well.

The new name for this blog comes from my love of a quote I found a while ago, it says:
Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor the devil says, "Oh no! She's up!"
This quote has been something I have admired for as long as I've heard it and it is something that I strive for everyday. As I continue along the path God has played out for me I aspire to become this type of woman daily and that is why I decided to change things up. But my heart, as well as my post will continue to be honest, sarcastic and the truth of what God is teaching me in my life. Thank you for sticking with me and happy reading.

Much love,

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